Best Fitness & Body Building from Wmuncc Official Store for Yoga-Pants Tummy-Control-Leggings Athletic-Tight Seamless Push-Up Wmuncc Jogging High-Waist
The most frequent thing consumers are doing when shopping online Yoga-Pants Tummy-Control-Leggings Athletic-Tight Seamless Push-Up Wmuncc Jogging High-Waist is you very likely guessed this one working. A lot more than 57% of online buyers have shopped at work. In fact , there Is a good chance you are working kind of while you are discovering this article. The other well-liked things that online customers do when they are shopping will be household chores, instore latest deals, cooking, dining out and running errands. Less than 20% of online shoppers have searched while commuting. Thats quite possibly because most people in the Circumstance. S. drive to work and fewer people work with mass transit to travel time. But more than 6% of online shoppers have searched while driving and a few more than that have shopped online when exercising. Would everyone be careful. Of all daily activities done while shopping, people appear to want less distraction even though they are walking the dog than at any other time. That ranked lowest of all actions for the time when customers shop online....Read More
Customer reviews:
Date: 16 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Flipo con la calidad y con el precio! Algunos comentarios dicen que parece que el fruncido se vaya a romper al hacer sentadillas; personalmente, yo lo noto bastante cómodo, debe ser cuestión de talla. Son squat proof y no se marca nada que no quieras que se te marque:) El material me gusta mucho, se ve resistente. Tengo aprox. 60cm de cintura y 88cm de cadera y la talla S me va bien.
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 14 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Заказывала сиреневые (справа) на талию 64, бёдра 5 M подошёл идеально. Не просвечиваются, но цвет не сиреневый, а больше серый
Date: 10 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
На вид кажется на ребёнка но они отлично тянутся и выглядят.
Date: 06 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Отличные лосины, плотные, не просвечивают. Хорошо тянутся, удобная широкая резинка на животе! Рекомендую!
Date: 26 Jan 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Лосины огонь, получила и бегом в них тренить, уже не первый товар заказываю у данного продавца, все отличного качества и быстро доходит
Date: 22 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
я теперь хочу все цвета, но в этом цвете обязан быть у всех, качество огонь, брать однозначно,
Date: 17 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Date: 27 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
These make your butt look like it occupies it’s own planet. These are my new favourite leggings, people are always asking where they are from because they look SO good. The quality is excellent. They are squat proof, sweat proof, and they hide cellulite well. The scrunch is not in your face but still does it’s job and you don’t feel it when squatting. The leggings are also quite soft but offer a good amount of light compression. The waist is super high on me so I have just been rolling it down. I am 5’5" 120lbs, 26" waist, 38" hips, the seller recommended me a size large BUT I went with my gut and got a size medium and I am glad I did. LOVE THESE don’t hesitate, they are going up in price. Also please don’t mind my weird cat photobombing every picture.
Date: 05 Jan 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Шикарные лосины!! Цвет очень понравился. Мои параметры: талия 63, ягодицы 8, размер s идеально подошёл. Мои любимые лосины, заниматься комфортно. Рекомендую!
Date: 03 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Love these. Size S fits size UK 10. highly recommend. Nice soft material, stretchy. Slightly darker than the ads photo.
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 06 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Awesome leggings. Nice shape. Can be a little short for tall girls (I'm 5'7" and these come to about 2" above my ankles) but this doesn't bother me. Also I'm a UK size 10 but order a large as I have a big butt and these fit really nicely. They are very stretchy and quite compressive and so you can probably order a size up if you want to be more comfortable and they will still be fine and probably still quite compressive. They look tiny when you first take them out of the packaging but stretch out nicely. I would say that they have fairly good cellulite coverage (not a big worry for me but mentioning this in case that is a concern for you). Not cellulite proof in the lighter colours but certainly compressive enough to be cellulite-friendly. I would say that in the darker blue colour, these are almost cellulite proof.
Date: 13 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
классные леггинсы, приятный материал, красивый цвет, как на фото, отлично смотрятся. На свой S, заказала S, чуть-чуть светят в приседе, М был бы лучше, но это зависит от формы ягодиц. Дошли за 2 недели до Нижегородской области. Буду заказывать ещё в другом цвете.
Date: 16 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Лосины пришли такие маааленькие, я аж испугалась. А потом одела, и они как растянулись! На рост 171см я брала размер М, чтобы лосины были идеальными в длину, и не прогадала. Но встретились на моих лосинах полосы, я так понимаю, это от них краска... Полосы были прямо на ноге и ягодицах. Постирала всё, их стало видно чуть меньше (ниже где-то встречается отзыв про такие полосы). Оценку снижу за эту фигню. А в целом качество просто топовое. Мужиков жалко, когда мимо них в таких лосинах ходишь, но... Всем советую!
Date: 27 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Качество хорошее и по размеру замечательно подошло на 44 размер и попу 0 взяла M. Но складки сзади как-то не так смотрятся, думала присбореный шов на попе тянется, а он зафиксирован, морщит сильно(
Date: 14 Nov 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
I will probably order these in all the colors because the quality is great! I was doubtful to order these because they had no feedbacks, but I already had some leggings from this same vendor so I gave it a try and I’m in love! They are really stretchy, not see through but you need seamless panties to look better. Anyway the scrunch is also great, it really makes your booty pop. Go order these and you’ll be in love! The color is like a grayish purple
Date: 26 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
So cute! Very comfy. It is high waisted, I recommend you size up. I’m 5’2” and around 120lbs and a Medium fits perfect. They are squat proof I wouldn’t squat in these personally because the crack contour rides right up as you squat. But cute for any other workout. Makes the peach look extra thick.
Date: 26 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Леггинсы очень понравились. Но мне немного не хватает объема в бёдрах. Возможно надо было заказывать на размер больше, так как они не очень эластичные.
Date: 03 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Леггинсы просто шикарные! Очень качественный материал, сидят идеально. До Екатеринбурга дошли в постомат за 11 дней.
Date: 25 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
I LOVE THESE THEY’RE FANTASTIC. I’m 5’2 125 lbs and the M fit perfectly!! My measurements : 36-26-37
Date: 29 Oct 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Отличные Легинсы, продавец на параметры 62/5 посоветовал размер M, ткань не плотная и хорошо тянется, поэтому можно было бы размер S